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No Poach Agreement in India: A Comprehensive Look

The practice of no poach agreements has been quite common in the corporate world, with employers and companies using them to keep their employees and staff from jumping ship and joining their competitors. However, this practice has come under scrutiny in recent years, and many countries, including India, have cracked down on them.

So, what is a no poach agreement, and why has it become such a controversial issue in India?

What is a No Poach Agreement?

A no poach agreement is a contract between two or more companies where they agree not to recruit or hire each other`s employees for a specific period. The idea behind these agreements is to protect each other`s business interests and prevent employees from taking sensitive information, trade secrets, and other proprietary information to their competitors.

While no poach agreements may seem reasonable on the surface, they can lead to several anti-competitive practices. These agreements can limit employees` mobility and job opportunities, which can result in lower wages and less competition in the job market.

No Poach Agreements in India

In India, the Competition Commission of India (CCI) has looked into several cases where no poach agreements have been used by companies to prevent competition and limit employee mobility. In 2019, the CCI fined three pharmaceutical companies a total of INR 47 crores for entering into a no poach agreement that prevented them from hiring each other`s employees.

The CCI has consistently taken a hard stance on no poach agreements, stating that they violate the Competition Act of India, which prohibits anti-competitive agreements between companies. The CCI has also made it clear that no poach agreements can restrain competition and have adverse effects on the employment market.

Employers and companies that enter into no poach agreements in India can face severe penalties, including fines, cease and desist orders, and even imprisonment of their executives.

What are the Alternatives to No Poach Agreements?

In light of the crackdown on no poach agreements in India, employers and companies must look for alternatives that can help protect their business interests without violating competition laws.

One of the most effective alternatives is non-solicitation agreements, which prevent employees from actively soliciting or recruiting colleagues to join them in a new company. Non-solicitation agreements are still not as restrictive as no poach agreements and allow employees more flexibility in their job search.


No poach agreements may have been considered commonplace in the past, but their use by companies to limit competition and restrict employee mobility has made them a controversial issue. In India, the Competition Commission has taken a firm stance on these agreements, and employers and companies should take heed of their warning.

The use of non-solicitation agreements is a better alternative to no poach agreements and can help protect business interests while still allowing employees the flexibility to explore job opportunities. It is essential to understand the legal landscape and competition laws in India and work with legal counsel to draft agreements that do not violate these laws.